Wednesday 7 May 2014

Pandas Can Swing

Life is not always exciting for Craig and Graham. Sometimes they seem to be very content with playing the simplest of games. One favourite pastime is taking a swing and two soft toy pandas to the little park immediately downstairs from home.

There's not many possible variations of games that can be played with this type of equipment but that doesn't stop the boys from experimenting within those limitations.

It's unlikely that the pandas feel dizzy.

A little brother copying his older sibling is very common.

While Graham plays with the swing, Craig can usually be found up a tree.

The weather has been warm enough for these games on many days recently.

And the pandas have never complained.

A new game that the boys both like is searching for Easter eggs that Dad has hidden in the park. It's a really good way to get the boys outside.

Despite Easter being finished long ago the boys haven't finished the eggs they found in Earlwood.

After eating chocolate Craig has plenty of energy.

And Graham doesn't mind receiving a push.