Saturday 28 February 2015

Aunty Suprana First Day Afternoon

The first thing Aunty Suprana did was show off her selfie stick! Taking happy photos was easy.

Graham wanted to hold the stick and needed to be stopped in order to be in the photo.

After lunch, Aunty Suprana tried to take a nap. But, children don't understand jet lag. Watching videos on a tablet computer kept the boys quiet.

Then, there was a late afternoon walk alnog Dee Why beach..... and more selfies.

The boys reached the top of Long Reef headland first.

Not long later they had their picture taken again.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Collaroy Beach Playground

Not far north from home is lovely Collaroy and its very long beach. Mum had a day off one Friday. She suggested some time on the sand and the boys readily agreed.

While Mum relaxed, Craig dug a tunnel.

Graham amused himself at the top of the beach.

Craig's earthworks were functional and without adornment.

Soon, the boys moved off the sand into the recently refurbished playground. It's set up with lots of things that little kids like.

The playground has a lovely backdrop of sand and waves.

The boys also practised their climbing skills.

When the boys want to have fun, Collaroy is the place to go.